As an upstanding citizen, many charitable causes rightfully appeal to you for help. Why choose CASA Glynn?

Also, if you own a business please keep us in mind for in-kind contributions. We’re grateful for help of every kind!

*CASA Glynn has exempt status under section 501 [C] [3] of the IRS code. Accordingly, contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Speak with your accountant for more information.

First, children in foster care are perhaps the most powerless element of our society. They have done nothing to deserve being taken from their families. They can do nothing to help themselves find safe, permanent homes.

Second, CASA is a practical, hard-working solution to an enormous problem. We are not a glamorous, high-profile charity, but that’s why your decision to help CASA will have such a big impact.

Donations to CASA Glynn are tax deductible*.

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