Tri-County Area

On October 1, 2021, CASA Glynn began serving the entire Brunswick Judicial Circuit, merging together the existing Tri-County CASA with CASA Glynn. Appling, Jeff Davis, and Wayne Counties have seen CASA Advocacy since 1998. The primary service offered is advocacy for children who are in Foster Care due to abuse and/or neglect. Our agency’s trained volunteers advocate for the child in dependency court proceedings from the time he/she is appointed to serve by the judge until the child is reunited with the family or is placed in a safe, permanent home. The volunteer advocates for the best interest of the child. The main goal is for every child served to have a safe, loving, permanent home as quickly as possible. Our objective is to insure that the child is raised in a safe and stable family. In conjunction with local courts, we appoint adult volunteers to act as a voice for local children in the vicinity of Wayne, Jeff Davis, and Appling Counties in Southeast Georgia.

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you!

239 NE Park Ave
Baxley, GA 31513
Phone: (912) 264-4448

Rachel Autry
Advocate Coordinator